Seven key areas of work

Our project in Ethiopia will be implemented by WaterAid in three coffee producing kebeles (Woiynma, Zaba, Agumamit/Guay Wubeshet) in the Jabi Tehnan Woreda, Amhara Region, West Gojjam zone of Ethiopia.

The work, which started in 2018, has seven key areas:

  1. Improved access to safe water supply

  2. Increased access to improved and basic sanitation

  3. Increased hygiene knowledge, skills and awareness raising

  4. Government systems improved and capacity building work

  5. Climate resilience integration

  6. Project monitoring and learning

  7. Field operations and programme management

Most areas of this work have already began, with others starting next year. Check-out the original four year work plan below:

Project plan over the years

Project plan over the years

Title photo: WaterAid. Tadila Awoke, 13, is a seventh grade student, and she demonstrates proper hand-washing practice in front of students of Gebru Warka Elementary School. Senbet Debir kebele, Dembia, North Gondar, Amhara. WaterAid

Find out about our approach to the sustainability of project in the next issue in our ‘Transforming the lives of coffee producers in Ethiopia’ series.