UK Coffee Week - The First Five Years

When we started UK Coffee Week in 2011 we wanted to create a campaign that brought together the coffee industry and coffee lovers, all for the benefit of coffee growers. 

Fast forward to 2020 and we’re about to celebrate 10 years of fundraising for Project Waterfall - a charity working to end the water crisis in coffee-growing communities. So far we’ve raised over £750,000 and changed 28,000 lives, but here’s a recap of our first five years…

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2011 - 2014

Our first UK Coffee Week took place from 4 - 10th April 2011 and raised over £19,841

That year, and for the following three, 100% of the money raised by coffee shops and operators funded Project Waterfall’s work in the Hadzabe and Barbaig tribes of the Mbulu District in Tanzania.

In 2012 we wanted to draw attention to everyone’s morning ritual. While a coffee lover’s might be to head to their local for a flat white, someone’s in Tanzania is to walk two hours to collect water for their family… 


Across these first four years of UK Coffee Week over £150,000 was raised, changing 10,280 lives

A big shout out to The Haberdashery, Allpress Espresso, Taylor St Baristas, and Timberyard who were are top fundraisers between 2011-2014!


In 2015 UK Coffee Week turned its focus to Ethiopia and, more specifically, seven communities in Burie Woreda, Amhara.

£50,000 was raised across the week, with Project Waterfall able to provide clean water to 3,257 people in the region as a result. 

One of the main aims of the campaign in 2015 was to get everyone to spread the smile…

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At its heart, UK Coffee Week is about celebrating coffee, having fun, and raising funds. Throughout the week we want to put a smile on the faces of coffee lovers, and if we do that then we can bring clean water and a smile to those in coffee-growing communities. 

Want to get involved in UK Coffee Week 2020?

If you’re a coffee shop then register to take part today -

If you’re a coffee lover then go into your local shop and get them to register!